Bedeslea Springbok

Spock, born 2000-10-26, was bred by Carolyn Fry.
He brought us the Dandyhow background we were so eager to strengthen in our
lines, since the old Swedish lines we love build mainly on Dandyhow dogs Stamtavla Spock. He
leaves a clear stamp on his pups, great fronts, pelts, coats and ribcages, and
especially the beautiful Border temperament that is the most important trait
whichever type life the dog is destined for. He was imported and the first five
years owned by us. Spock has won "CC quality" in the
show ring and has passed the first level blood-tracking test. This page is a
list of the merits we value most highly, his wonderful offspring. Thank you
Carolyn for letting us own this great dog, who is still putting his stamp on
descendants in our home as well as in other kennels in Sweden and Germany.

Sagimus S litter 3+4 b 2002-02-28 ex J Sagimus Huldra
Sagimus Santos S V CH
Sagimus Sargon
Sagimus Sarek
Sagimus Seska
Sagimus Salia
Sagimus Sirella
Sagimus Shenara

Hailees W litter 2+1 b 2002-05-30 ex S o N U Ch
Hailees Oh La La
Hailees Wonderboy
Hailees Whippersnapper
Hailees Whoopsadaisy

Atterboms B litter 4+0 b 2002-09-02 ex S V Ch Atterboms
Kajsa Amanda
Atterboms Basin Street Blues
Atterboms Blues for Bass
Atterboms Body and Soul
Atterboms Blow Top Blues

Hammartorpets E litter 4+1 b 2002-11-23 ex Hoksel Cerrina
Hammartorpets Edison
Hammartorpets Eldorado
Hammartorpets Elliot
Hammartorpets Excellent
Hammartorpets Ellinor

Sagimus P litter 0+4 b 2003-07-09 ex Sagimus Esmeralda
Sagimus Prima
Sagimus Pila
Sagimus Polka
Sagimus Pärla

Atterboms P litter 2+0 b 2004-08-26 ex S V Ch Atterboms Kajsa Amanda
Atterboms Prelude To A Kiss
Atterboms Peewee's Blues

Fugato's S litter 0+1 b 2005-02-16 ex Fugato's Operett
Fugato's Serenade CIB FI NO SE U CH

Fugato's S litter 3+2 b 2006-01-04 ex S U CH Bordrocks
Fugato's Soul On Top NO U CH
Fugato's Step Right Up
Fugato's Swing the Mood
Fugato's Salsa Magic NO SE U
Fugato's Samba Caramba SE U CH

Trientalis 4+5 b 2006-02-13 ex N U CH S V CH Trientalis
Trientalis Sebastian
Trientalis Sibelius
Trientalis Sigge Bigge
Trientalis StyrBjörn
Trientalis Saba
Trientalis Siba
Trientalis Sabina
Trientalis Sibylla
Trientalis Siri Biri

Sandkilens 0+1 b 2007-03-12 ex Sagimus Henry-Etta
Sandkilens Kajsa Kavat